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A Partial List
Multimedia: Making it Work-Osborne/McGraw-Hill 1st Edition (1993)
Multimedia: Making it Work-Osborne/McGraw-Hill 2nd Edition (1994)
Multimedia: Making it Work-Osborne/McGraw-Hill 3rd Edition (1996)
Multimedia: Making it Work-Osborne/McGraw-Hill 4th Edition (1998)
Multimedia: Making it Work-Osborne/McGraw-Hill 5th Edition (2001)
Multimedia: Making it Work-McGraw-Hill Professional 6th Edition (2003)
Multimedia: Making it Work-McGraw-Hill Professional 7th Edition (2007)
Multimedia: Making it Work-McGraw-Hill Education 8th Edition (2010)
Multimedia: Making it Work-McGraw-Hill Education 9th Edition (2014)
Multimedia: Working It Out! (Interactive CD-ROM title, 1995)
Street Maps of Knox, Waldo, Sagadahoc, and Lincoln Counties, Maine (2003-2006)
Using HyperCard: From Home to HyperTalk- Que/MacMillan (750pp., 1988)
Contributing Editor / Monthly Columnist at:
New Media Magazine (" Ask the Captain")and Morph's Outpost ("Alligators")
"Birthing Microchips" - Digital Deli
"The Best of Atari Software"-Technical Editor, Consumer Guide
"Bits and Pieces"-Atari Connection
"Foolish Risks" - The Archon, 1987
"The Success of DataSoft" - Antic Magazine
"The Incredible Launch of the Great Bear"-Multihull Sailing
"From West to East by VHF"-Cruising World
"A Tale of Two Sisters: Carvel vs. Cold Molding"-Wooden Boat
"AutoYacht"-Cad World (Contributing Editor, 1989)
"Automated Scanning of HEPA Filters"-Institute of Environmental Sciences
"Marine Insurance and the Small Craft Surveyor"-U.S. Coast Guard, 12th District 1978 Boating Safety Seminar
"Regulation in Recreational Boating"-California Maritime Academy, Sixth Annual Maritime Industry Symposium
"National Apprenticeship Standards for Marine Services Technicians"-U.S. Department of Labor
Software Title Authorship: SUPERSHOPPER, SHIPS IN THE NIGHT, FLAGS, THE BOATYARD, REAL ESTATE PROFIT CALCULATOR, SECRETS, ADVANCED ANIMATION TUTORIAL, and other programs and web sites for microcomputer users.
Contirbuting Editor/ Monthly Columnist: New Media Magazine; Morph's Outpost