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Maine Media Workshops
Basic Interactive Multimedia Production
Class #1 (Builders of the Appleton Fire Department Interactive CD)
Basic Interactive Multimedia Production [1999 Catalog]
Apply your ideas to designing and building multimedia productions for entertainment, education, and commercial applications.
Interactive multimedia is transforming the publishing world and profoundly altering the way we communicate, how we do business, and how we inform and entertain ourselves. This one-week workshop is an introduction to the core elements of multimedia and the computer tools used by professionals to build interactive products. You will learn how to merge photography, video, sound, and graphics into multimedia CDs, Web Sites, and installations useful in today's personal, corporate, and consumer marketplace. We will explore standard and emerging technologies, software applications such as Photoshop, Director, Premiere, Illustrator, and digital camera hardware as you learn new skills and hone others. The emphasis of the workshop is on acquiring the design sense to enable you to plan and build effective projects. During morning lectures and demonstrations and critiques of various products you will discover the architecture and structures of what works and what does not. During afternoon and evening hands-on lab sessions you will learn what software tools you need to acquire, the hardware to buy, and the time constraints and attitudes necessary to build real projects. During lab sessions the class will design the structure of a project, gather its elements, plan the interconnectivity, and implement it using well-known processes and hardware plarforms. Working in teams, you will test your technical skills and creative talents in solving real problems as you work to complete aspects of the whole.
This course is for designers, filmmakers, producers, photographers, publishers, and college students who want to explore the world of interactive multimedia and create their own productions. Basic computer literacy is required; familiarity with Photoshop, Illustrator and Director is a plus. Specify your familiarity with specific software and Windows or Macintosh platforms on your application. Bring images with which to work, plenty of creative ideas, and a ZIP disk to take home your project.
Levels: Two, Three & Four
Enrollment: 10
Tuition: $990
College Credit: 1.5
Length: One-week
Dates: June 6 - 12
August 29 - Sept. 4
October 3 - 9
Tay Vaughan is a recognized authority and pioneer in multimedia. He has designed and produced award-winning projects for Apple Computer, Lotus, Microsoft, Sun, and Novell. He is the president of Timestream, Inc., a multimedia production company, and is a visiting professor at the Interactive Telecommunications Program of the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration. He is the author of the best-selling Multimedia, Making it Work, a college-level textbook published by Osborne/McGraw Hill, now in its 4th edition and available in seven languages. Find him at: