Bulletin Board: Note: This is an "unofficial" website archived in June, 2006, for informational and historical purposes only. |
Rockland, ME |
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February 1, 2005: Linda Payson from Brooder House Auction Service in Union just sent us this unhappy alert regarding the Lawrence Whitney farm at the end of Whitney Road off the northern part of Appleton Ridge Road: URGENT! We have just been notified that an estate in Appleton, Maine was burgled approximately one week ago. The thieves made off with several items of value. A few easily recognizable items include: 2 Civil War Soldier Portraits Letter of Thanks/Congratulations Signed by Joshua Chamberlain There were also approximately 12 Stamp Albums and several pieces of Antique Jewelry taken, among many other items. If you have any information regarding the possible whereabouts of these items PLEASE CONTACT THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY! Call Knox County Sheriff's Dept. toll free at 800-337-0565 or contact your local authorities. We appreciate any help you can provide...please forward this email to everyone you know, whether they are in the antiques business or not. Someone may come across even just a bit of information that may lead to the recovery of these items. Thank you for your help! Brooder House Auction Service
January 21, 2005: Earlier this week the Camden Selectboard agreed to sell their fire department's surplused American LaFrance Pumper Engine 2 to Appleton for $1, solving a difficult and potentially expensive tactical problem for Appleton's fire department. Camden Fire Chief, Steve Gibbons, has also offered to train Appleton's firefighters on the operation of the pumper. Appleton's Selectboard will likely approve purchase of this engine at their meeting on Tuesday, January 25. |
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