
Bulletin Board:
Note: This is an "unofficial" website archived in June, 2006, for informational and historical purposes only.
Rockland, ME

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Appleton Comprehensive Plan Committee
Meeting November 17th, 2004 7:00 pm
Town Office

Members Present: Donald Burke, Jacqueline Dunham, Laurie Heriz-Smith, Jan Janville, Jim Pitman, Ruth Rothrock, Dick Tracy, Elaine Tracy, Tay Vaughan. David Gould attended as an observer.

Issues Discussed:

- Elaine opened the meeting with the fact that most members of this committee can be considered ãnewä to the town and that there is a need to find a way to get long termed Appleton residents involved in the Comprehensive Plan Committee as well as residents from all parts of the town. Discussion ensued.

- Elaine shared a notice from the Friends of Midcoast Maine for a get-together for the Knox and Waldo Count Comprehensive Plan Support Group for Planning Board and Comprehensive Plan Committee Members. The dates are Tues. 11/30 at the Belfast Boathouse and 12/1 at the Rockport Opera House. Both are 5:30 - 7:30 pm. Stacey Benjamin from the Maine State Planning Office will discuss the comprehensive plan process and SPO review process for consistency. Bring your questions and concerns. Free refreshments.

- Elaine made note that Liz Petruska from the Medomak Valley Land Trust and Annette Naegel from the Georges River land Trust want to meet with the committee to look at the ãBeginning with Habitatsä maps that were introduced last spring. They are interested in coordinating with the local community to identify and protect valuable resources. Elaine will contact Liz to see of December meeting is good for them.

- Still need a Vice President for the committee. There were no volunteers at this time and Elaine has some individuals in mind that she is going to contact.

- The process of revising the existing Comprehensive Plan is going to be more that just cleaning up the language. There are places where research is going to have to be done to make sure that facts and figures are up to date and correct. We all must be alert to this. (examples - street names have changed since the first draft, maps may be missing information). Discussion ensued.

- Ruth presented a list of research questions she has for the Natural Resources section of the plan. Discussion ensued.

- A file cabinet in the in the corner of the meeting area on the first floor is now being used to keep materials available for research for assigned sections. The bottom two drawers have been allotted to this committee. These materials must remain at the Town Office.

- Tay handed out the results of the survey to all members. He reminded us of the importance of the plan being the basis for future ordinances created by town officials but does not have the force of law. It is up to the planning board to see that the direction the town goes follows what is spelled out in the Comprehensive Plan. Keeping this in mind, we need to make sure that the survey results and comments are part of the plan so that peopleâs voices are heard and are included in what is addressed in each section. Discussion ensued.

- Tabulated results of survey should be made public prior to Comprehensive Plan. Discussion ensued about what to make of raw data. Tay and Hugo are working on bar charts to make it easier to read and understand the data.

- An introduction needs to be written for the survey section of the Plan - volunteer needed.

- Tay requested making up a schedule for the completion of the Comprehensive Plan to make the June 18th Town Meeting deadline. It should include what needs to be accomplished and deadlines for the committee. Elaine will draw up a tentative schedule for committee approval.

- Elaine presented the population section that Ellen has handed in. It was suggested that in each section the charts and tables be numbered so they correspond to the section number, as Ellen has done. It was determined that there are still some detail changes that need to be made to the section. Elaine to e-mail the section to committee members to review.

- There was discussion about the lack of public attendance at the committee meetings and how to get the message out about the importance of the future of the town in relation to the Comprehensive Plan. It was determined that the existing methods may not be effective or reach enough people and that we need to investigate and initiate other ways of getting the word out. If the opportunity arises we should be talking with community members about the proposed draft and encourage them to attend the committee meetings - they are open to the public - so that there are no surprises come June. The possibility of sending out a postcard to raise awareness of the importance of the Comprehensive Plan and notify them of the schedule of committee meetings is going to be looked into.

- Assignments for all committee members for the next meeting are: - continue working on individual sections - review survey and make a list of what you see are the hot issues (top 10?) - review population section (will come from Elaine)

- Next meeting is Thursday, December 16th at 7:00 pm

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