
Knox County Street Maps Released

The Knox County Maps

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Map Home

March 27, 2004

For Immediate Release

For more information or an interview, contact:
Taylor Vaughan at 207-785-5511 or
tay@timestream.com or visit

e911 Street Maps for Knox County Ready in June
Timestream Multimedia announces "The Street Maps of Knox County"

Appleton, ME--The complete set of Knox County e911 street maps will go to press in May, in time for the summer season. These maps contain never-before-available street names for all the towns in Knox County including the island communities and Lincolnville -- twenty full-color 11" x 17" maps in all -- in a 40-page bound book and as single sheets for each town folded to about the size of a comapct disc. Individual maps include Appleton, Camden, Cushing, Friendship, Hope, Isle au Haut, Lincolnville, Matinicus Isle, North Haven, Owls Head, Rockland, Rockland City Details, Rockport, South Thomaston, St. George, Thomaston, Union, Vinalhaven, Warren, and Washington.

Road and street names are printed in large bold type so the maps are as small and handy as possible but still can be easily read. Where streets are tight together, as in business districts, detailed enlargements are included. Contour lines and water features such as rivers and marshes are taken from USGS data along with cemeteries, power transmission lines, and railroads. Each town's map also includes a key for looking up its roads, particularly important because many roads in Knox County have only recenty been named, and even people "born and raised" in a town may not know where a "new" street is.

The names and locations of streets in the mainland towns of Knox County are drawn from the State of Maine's new geographical information system (GIS) database of e911 roads. Road names for Vinalhaven, North Haven, Matinicus, and Isle au Haut, however, were compiled manually because these towns' official e911 data was not available at press time.

In 1988, voters in the state of Maine approved a referendum to create an enhanced 9-1-1 system (e911) to ensure reliable caller information and improve dispatch of emergency services to readily identifiable locations. The plan required towns with rural route mailing addresses to convert them to city-style addresses (street names with numbers), and each town appointed a Municipal Addressing Officer to oversee the work of organizing the street names in his or her town and coordinating key players - residents, the town, the telephone company, and local Post Offices. Writing street names along highways, roads, streets, lanes, alleyways, and paths on giant maps has been an arduous task for each town's Municipal Addressing Officer. Sometimes naming streets in Knox County became hotly emotional and political. The final street names on these working maps were then sent to the State of Maine's geographical information system office, where they were digitized and added to Maine's GIS database. Rockport's road names, for example, only became available in March, 2004, just in time to be included in the first edition of these Maps of Knox County!

To underwrite the expense of printing the maps, Timestream set aside reasonably-priced advertising slots on each map, and real estate agents, banks, restaurants, hoteliers, tradespeople, retailers, and others have purchased visibility on their own and neighboring towns' maps.

Unusal to the sale of print advertising, the entire transaction, from selecting and purchasing an ad space on a map to submitting digital artwork, can take place on the Internet. Timestream's web site at http://www.timestream.com/maps also includes text templates for advertisers who do not have graphic artwork at hand. Businesses interested in purchasing remaining ad space should visit Timestream's web site before the press deadline in April.

"These maps will offer us incredible long-term county-wide exposure," says advertiser Linda Payson, owner of Brooderhouse Auctions in Union, "Readers throw away our newspaper ads or burn them at the end of the day, but these street maps will be used by both residents and tourists for years and years."

The Maps of Knox County will be available in June at stores, gas stations, and retail outlets throughout Knox County. They are also for sale online to both retail and wholesale customers at http://www.timestream.com/maps. The bound book of all twenty maps retails for $22.95; individual folded maps are $2.95. Pre-ordered maps will be shipped in June.

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Additional Resources:

For more information about the maps, visit the Timestream Maps web site at:http://www.timestream.com/maps

For high-resolution, downloadable .PDF examples of the Timestream maps (for Press Use Only), visithttp://www.timestream.com/maps/press/

About Timestream
Timestream is a full-service multimedia developer, producer, and publisher of interactive multimedia products for CD-ROM and the World Wide Web, including information and creative design, writing, graphic art, programming, music composition, and video shooting and digitizing. Timestream is a registered trademark. The company is based in Appleton, Maine.

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Copyright © 2004-2024 by Tay Vaughan. All Rights Reserved.